Don't Forget To Include These Two Things In Your Funeral Pre-Planning

Pre-planning your funeral may seem like a pessimistic thing to do, but it's really an act of love. You're sparing your family the stress of making the arrangements and ensuring they can afford to lay you to rest. Because there's a lot involved in the process, it's easy to overlook things, and here are two things you should make sure to address.

Video Recording and Livestreaming

Even before the Coronavirus pandemic hit, recording and livestreaming funerals was becoming an increasingly popular way for families to include those who couldn't attend in person. Now that the virus has fundamentally changed the way people interact, signing up for these services has pretty much become a necessity.

While you can sign up to have your funeral both recorded and livestreamed, if you only have enough money for one service, the best one for you will depend on your needs. Livestreaming is good if you expect there will be a lot of people who can't be there in person but still want to view the service as it's happening.

Video recording, on the other hand, is better when you know everyone will attend and will simply want a record of the event. If you suspect there might be some people who can't go to your funeral, you can send them a copy of the recording. Alternatively, the recording can be uploaded to a website for people to access online.

A funeral director can help you decide which one best fits your situation, so be sure to discuss the issue when putting together your pre-planned funeral package.

Payment for Food and Drinks

Receptions are a common staple of funerals, with people coming together for a meal to enjoy each other's company and share stories of the decedent. You can put in details of the reception you want your loved ones to have after the funeral and make it as extravagant or basic as you want.

Regardless of the type of reception you plan, though, be sure to leave money to pay for the food and drinks. This will lessen the financial burden on your family and ensure they have a good time.

Be aware, though, that you may need to revisit this part of your pre-planned funeral on a regular basis. Inflation can drive up food costs. Additionally, if you specify a certain restaurant or meeting space, there's a chance it may not be around when you pass away. Keep tabs on what's happening in your area and make adjustments to your reception plan as necessary.

For assistance with putting together your pre-planned funeral, contact a resource that offers funeral planning services.

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About Me

Planning A Funeral Home After losing a loved one a few years ago, I could tell that there were some things we needed to do in order to plan for future events. I was really nervous about the idea of being faced with losing a family member who had an income, so we started going through and working on taking care of future plans. We were able to find a great funeral home that offered exactly what we were looking for, and we talked with them about our wishes. After we had all of our arrangements made, I was amazed with how much happier I felt. Read more on this blog to learn about funeral homes.


